IUI Treatment in Mumbai
A leading fertility clinic in Mumbai dedicated to helping couples realize their dream of parenthood through advanced IUI treatments and compassionate care.
What is IUI Treatment and How does it work?
IUI Treatment generally known as intrauterine insemination, a simple treatment for fertility which is one of the least invasive forms of fertility treatment. The procedure initiates and involves the methodology of transferring washed semen into the uterus directly with the help of a thin Catheter. In medical terms IUI Treatment is also called Artificial Insemination.
Understand the Procedure of IUI Treatment
Step by step method executions are done in the process of IUI treatments. At first, the husband’s or donor semen sample is taken in the laboratory and then washed through a centrifugation machine. This process allows to terminate all the dead and abnormal sperms along with impurities. The small volume of good quality sperms measuring a volume 0.4ml is taken into consideration and loaded in IUI Cannula and introduced in Uterus under strict supervision and real time sonographic visualization. In the fundus of the uterus the final sample is injected where it can go naturally. Our infertility specialist in Mumbai may advise you to go for 3-6 cycles after thoroughly checking your health condition. The decision towards the number of IUI cycles a patient should undergo will be up to them and their physician, based on factors that include age, their particular diagnosis and assessment of the other therapies that may be available.

When is IUI Treatment Recommended?
IUI treatment can be carried out without the need for harsh medication or invasive procedures and most ideal situations where in we advise IUI would be:
1. Unknown causes of infertility.
2. If fertility drugs are not helpful in bringing successful results of pregnancy.
3. If there are no sperms in the serum; then donor sperms are used.
4. In cases of persisting sexual pain during intercourse.
5. Women undergoing the condition of PCOS.
6. In case of hostile cervical mucus these treatments are suggested.

Tests Required before IUI Treatment
The chances of a woman becoming pregnant elevates with this process by injecting an optimal sperm sample directly into the uterus at the time the woman is at the peak of fertility. In order to get best results it’s highly vital to determine the best treatment plan. Hence, before commencing the treatment below are few tests that a physician may recommend in order to carry the process of artificial insemination. ... 1. A hysterosalpingogram, it’s a process where a little amount of fluid is delivered in the uterus & tubes and later an X-ray is carried out. 2. FSH and estradiol are tests that check the blood levels to understand the functioning of the ovary, the production of eggs and its quality. 3. To check the volume and quality of the male sperm a semen analysis is carried out. 4. Blood samples are collected every now and then to check the immunity and levels of vitamins in the body with routine blood check-ups
What are the Risks Involved in IUI Treatment?
There is less than a percent chance of infection with the IUI treatment. In any case if you suffer infections like pelvic infections that may occur due to medications of fertility possible side effects to consider, are ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome, which causes swollen and painful ovaries.
IUI Treatment Cost in Mumbai
IUI is a simple treatment for fertility and the cost of IUI treatment in Mumbai ranges somewhere between Rs. 5,000. Compared to IVF the cost of IUI Treatment is inexpensive and depends upon various factors like the basic treatment cost, reputation and experience of the doctor & chosen clinic, success rate, and the health condition/medical history of the patient.
Intrauterine Insemination (IUI) is a well-known type of fertility treatment that results in increased chances of a woman conceiving. IUI is an inexpensive treatment that is used to treat unexplained infertility, male infertility factors, cervical factors, and more. IUI treatment also has a good rate of success when compared to other treatments of fertility.
IUI Treatment in Mumbai
IUI Treatment
IUI Procedure
Drugs and Medicine
Total Cost of IUI Treatment
IUI Cost in Mumbai
Cost in INR
7,000 to 8,000
Frequently Asked Questions
Clear your most common doubts regarding IUI treatment, procedure and more.
Any insemination process should be carefully timed to occur at or a little before the time of ovulation. For 12-24 hours (maximum) the eggs are fertilized after ovulation. Hence, lUl’s must be perfectly timed so that the sperms are present when the egg is released.
Your doctor may suggest a few tests prior to commencing your IUI treatment to confirm the opening of at least one fallopian tube for the sperm to enter the tube to fertilize the egg and the fertilized eggs can come out in the uterus. These tests are taken to check whether the levels of hormones are normal. The male partner is tested to confirm if he is infection-free prior to sperm insemination.
Factors like the woman’s age, use of any type of ovarian stimulation, time span of infertility, cause that led to infertility and quality and quantity of sperms on the basis of its ability to move.
When a man has a low sperm count where the sperms are unable to reach the egg the IUI treatment helps. In this treatment, the sperm is directly placed in the uterus neglecting the problem of no intercourse due to disability or injury. We recommend IUI to women with mild endometriosis as well and it is commonly used as the first-line treatment for couples with unexplained infertility.
The male partner might face discomfort in producing sperm sample in the hospital premises since the timing of insemination matters a lot. The process is performed using a catheter and at times women become uncomfortable in the time of insertion due to the pain caused and with simulated cycles, ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS) a condition may develop in which the ovaries respond too well to the drugs used to induce ovulation causing swelling and several complications.
Ideally, it takes approximately 2 weeks of time post the treatment of IUI, though a pregnancy test is advised to confirm the pregnancy.